Math 583 - Possible Project Papers
Please select a paper, and tell me which one you’ve selected, before Sunday March 17. For guidance, click on the titles to go to MathSciNet reviews of the papers, or chat with me.
You’re very welcome to suggest a paper that is not on the list below. But please get my approval of your choice before March 17.
After you’ve chosen your paper, your job is to prepare an approximately five-page typed report that explains or introduces the paper to persons with the background provided by our class. Rigorous proofs are not required; your job is to produce something that would be of value to others in the class.
Thanks, and good luck!
Atiyah - 1962 - Vector bundles and the Künneth formula
Atiyah - 1966 - K-theory and reality
Atiyah, Hirzebruch - 1961 - Bott periodicity and the parallelizability of the spheres
Bott - 1959 - The stable homotopy of the classical groups. See also Milnor - Morse theory
Segal - 1968 - Equivariant K-theory
Kuiper - 1965 - The homotopy type of the unitary group of Hilbert space and Cuntz, Higson - 1987 - Kuiper’s theorem for Hilbert modules
Atiyah - The space of Fredholm operators (Appendix to the book K-Theory)
Atiyah, Singer - 1969 - Index theory for skew-adjoint Fredholm operators
Atiyah - 1969 - Algebraic topology and operators in Hilbert space
Atiyah - 1968 - Bott periodicity and the index of elliptic operators
Atiyah, Segal - 1969 - Equivariant K-theory and completion
Atiyah - 1971 - Riemann surfaces and spin structures
Pimsner, Voiculescu - 1982 -K-groups of reduced crossed products by free groups
Cuntz - 1981 - K-theory for certain C*-algebras
You’re very welcome to suggest a paper that is not on the list below. But please get my approval of your choice before March 17.
After you’ve chosen your paper, your job is to prepare an approximately five-page typed report that explains or introduces the paper to persons with the background provided by our class. Rigorous proofs are not required; your job is to produce something that would be of value to others in the class.
Thanks, and good luck!
Atiyah - 1962 - Vector bundles and the Künneth formula
Atiyah - 1966 - K-theory and reality
Atiyah, Hirzebruch - 1961 - Bott periodicity and the parallelizability of the spheres
Bott - 1959 - The stable homotopy of the classical groups. See also Milnor - Morse theory
Segal - 1968 - Equivariant K-theory
Kuiper - 1965 - The homotopy type of the unitary group of Hilbert space and Cuntz, Higson - 1987 - Kuiper’s theorem for Hilbert modules
Atiyah - The space of Fredholm operators (Appendix to the book K-Theory)
Atiyah, Singer - 1969 - Index theory for skew-adjoint Fredholm operators
Atiyah - 1969 - Algebraic topology and operators in Hilbert space
Atiyah - 1968 - Bott periodicity and the index of elliptic operators
Atiyah, Segal - 1969 - Equivariant K-theory and completion
Atiyah - 1971 - Riemann surfaces and spin structures
Pimsner, Voiculescu - 1982 -K-groups of reduced crossed products by free groups
Cuntz - 1981 - K-theory for certain C*-algebras